
Just Smile All The Time

i have recently taken up the mantra "Just Smile All the Time." the word 'just' is important here.

here is why:

seven ways to overcome social awkwardness that you can practice anytime

i think this is pretty self-explanatory. i don't like to be too explicit.

just another on the shit list of things i need to get over. i've said that before, but when it feels like i'm making progress i revert to my old, shelled-up ways. 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. something like that.

'just smile all the time'

i don't like smiling much. it hurts my cheeks, i have braces, my teeth are kinda yellow. plus, have you seen me smile? like really smile? it's too cute. i like cute things, but when something is excessively cute it must be destroyed. destroyed! i say.

i think it's unfortunate that sometimes people have to pretend to be something before they can actuall be that thing. 'fake it till you make it.' but i guess it works. pretend to be happy, and people will gravitate towards you and you'll actually be happy.

this method is just begging to be proven wrong. we'll see. movin on...

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